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MDI Data Packages

The MDI exploits staged data analysis, which means that processed data files flow from a Stage 1 Pipeline to a Stage 2 App. Such data, with potentially multiple distinct files, are carried in a zipped data package generated by the MDI pipelines framework as instructed by a pipeline.yml file.

All apps are launched from a generic framework page that supports the upload of both data packages and bookmark files as the user’s entry point to your app. In other words, the typical way users make first calls to load your app is by providing a compatible data package.

As a result, in addition to an app name, description, and possibly verion, your app’s configuration must declare the types of data packages it accepts and the files it expects those packages to contain.

This matching method creates a many-to-many relationship between data packages and apps, e.g., multiple apps might be willing to work on the same data package. More typically, you will design a pipeline and and app as one-to-one partners.

App step declaration in <app>/config.yml

The steps for your app are listed in its config.yml file, following the instructions found in the _template app’s file:

# <app>/config.yml
name: <appName>
description: ...
version: v0.0.0
    <uploadTypeName>: # as declared in pipeline.yml 
                required: true/false

As an example:

# <pipeline>/pipeline.yml
        uploadType: myUploadType 
                type: tab-delimited 
                file: $ 
# <app>/config.yml
name: myApp
    myUploadType: # matches uploadType declared above
                required: true
            fileType_2: # OK to be missing from pipeline.yml above
                required: false        

In this example, myApp will be offered to users as a way of analyzing data packages with an uploadType of myUploadType that carry a file of contentFileType fileType_1.