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Settings Levels

A settings widget can be attached to an appStep page or to any box or widget in your UI.

Step-level settings

Many appStep modules define settings that are relevant to most or all of the output elements on its page. This is achieved by first defining the required settings in module.yml:

# <appStep>/module.yml
        <settingName>: # see syntax descriptions below
        # etc.

then activating the settings icon link in ui.R using the standardSequentialTabItem() wrapper around the mdiHeaderLinks interface:

# <appStep>/<appStep>_ui.R
<appStep>UI <- function(id, options) {
    ns <- NS(id)    
        id = id,
        settings = TRUE
        # etc.

and finally, activating the settings server in server.R and returning its value to be stored in bookmarks and potentially used by other steps:

# <appStep>/<appStep>_server.R
<appStep>Server <- function(id, options, bookmark, locks) {
    moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
        settings <- activateMdiHeaderLinks(
            settings = '<appStep>'
            # plus any other arguments passed to settingsServer()
        # ...
            settings = settings$all_

Widget-level settings

A similar expandable settings icon can be added to any widget by making edits to its module files similar to the special case of appStep modules shown above. Just decide what options you need, where you want to place the settingsUI() icon in the widget’s UI, activate the settingsServer(), and the rest is handled by the framework. Remember to add the settings object to the widget’s return values if a parent module using your widget needs to access them.

# <widget>/<widget>_server.R
<widget>Server <- function(id) {
    moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
    settings <- settingsServer( 
        id = 'settings',
        parentId = id
         # see additional options below
    # ...
        settings = settings

Naming a settings widget

We recommend sticking with the simple, descriptive id of ‘settings’ for a single instance of the settings widget added to your module. In the unusual circumstance when you have two settings icons in the same module, i.e., in the same namespace, they must have different names, like ‘plotSettings’ and ‘tableSettings’.