YAML Declarations
Settings declarations can be made in most YAML configuration files, typically in module.yml.
Creating settings definitions in module.yml
Settings popups are organized into input families, where each named family is shown on its own tab in the modal panel. Each input has its own unique ID.
The syntax for defining inputs will be familiar to anyone creating R Shiny pages, as it captures the names and most important options of Shiny inputs into YAML format:
type: textInput
value: abc
type: numericInput
value: 1
min: 1
max: 100
step: 1
type: selectInput
- abc
- xyz
value: abc
type: radioButtons
- abc
- xyz
value: abc
type: checkboxGroupInput
- abc
- xyz
value: abc
type: checkboxInput
value: true
type: fileInput
- ".csv"
- ".txt"
Naming settings inputs and input families
The settings
widget uses a convenience shortcut to prevent you from having to enter both names and ids for settings. The family/tab and input keys in YAML are used directly as the on-screen labels in the settings popup, after replacing all underscores with spaces. This typically means you should use title case for family and settings keys, e.g., “Plot_Parameters” and “X_Axis”.