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The sampleSet widget provides a single input to select a sample set and returns the samples assigned to that set.

sampleSetUI options

The sampleSetUI function does not take any arguments other than ‘id’.

# sampleSet_ui.R
sampleSetUI <- function(id)

sampleSetServer options

The sampleSetServer function takes the following arguments in addition to ‘id’:

# sampleSet_server.R
sampleSetServer <- function(


  • id = the id of the table widget
  • parentId = the id of the module loading the widget

sampleSetServer return values

The module returns a list as follows:

# sampleSet_server.R
    assignments = assignments,
    input = input


  • assignments = a reactive that returns a data.frame of the samples assigned to the selected sampleSet
  • input = the input object for the widget

where assignments corresponds to the outcome of the same name from the assignSamples appStep module.

Using the widget

sampleSet is a simple widget. Just place it on a page by calling sampleSetUI in your module UI function, activate it by calling sampleSetServer in your module server function, and react to the assignments element in its return value list.

Additional references

For more detailed views of the module’s code, see: