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settingsUI arguments

The settingsUI function takes a single argument in addition to ‘id’:

# settings_ui.R
settingsUI <- function(id, isHeader = TRUE)

where setting isHeader to TRUE reduces the icon size in a manner appropriate for inclusion in a step header or box title, the most appropriate placement in many widgets.

settingsServer arguments

The settingsServer function takes various arguments in addition to ‘id’:

# settings_server.R
settingsServer <- function(
    templates = list(parentId),
    size = NULL,
    cacheKey = NULL,
    fade = FALSE,
    title = "Set Parameters",
    immediate = FALSE,
    resettable = TRUE 


  • id = the id of the settings widget
  • parentId = the id of the module loading the widget
  • templates = a list of one or more of: parentId, a path to a settings.yml file, or a similarly formatted list object
  • size = force a size for the modal popup as s/m/l (otherwise, auto-set based on contents)
  • cacheKey = a reactive/reactiveVal that returns an id for the current settings state
  • fade = whether to show an entry animation delay on the modal popup
  • title = a title for the modal popup
  • immediate = if TRUE, setting changes are transmitted in real time (otherwise when the modal is closed)
  • resettable = if TRUE, a ‘Reset All Settings’ link will be provided to restore to defaults

The inputs that will populate the settings modal popup are determined from the list of templates, allowing you to merge settings enumerated from potentially many sources. The default is to look in the module.yml file of the parent module calling the settings widget.

The default behavior shows the popup without delay and transmits the new settings values only when the user closes the modal, behaviors that can be changed as indicated.

Be very careful setting immediate = TRUE if the actions triggered by settings changes are slow.