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Shiny Modules

modules are R Shiny modules that define reusable UI components. A module folder carries scripts that define its UI elements and associated server code logic.

By convention, MDI module scripts follow the naming convention:

  • module_ui.R = carries the function that returns the module’s UI elements
  • module_server.R = carries the function that defines the module’s actions
  • module_utilities.R = additional support functions for the module

Like any R function, module server functions return a single object that can be used by the calling code. Typical return values are a list of reactive objects and method functions to be applied to the
component or its data.

Module types

Modules have different roles in MDI apps:

  • appSteps - sequential actions comprising the leftmost dashboard tabs of the MDI web page

  • widgets - UI elements, panels, plots, etc. that might be placed once or many times by an app

Module script templates

The following code blocks show the structure of a module’s UI and server scripts. Replace “myModule” with the name of your module. See existing framework modules for extended examples.

Module UI functions must use the Shiny ns() function to wrap UI element names, which causes them to have properly nested and addressable names.

# module ui function, in myModule_ui.R
myModuleUI <- function(id, ...) {
    # initialize namespace
    ns <- NS(id) 
    # add Shiny UI elements

UI elements are then addressable in the module’s input object using the name provided in the UI function.

# module server function, in myModule_server.R
myModuleServer <- function(id, ...) {
    moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
# add Shiny server reactive actions here: observe, render, etc.
output$outputName <- renderText({
# module return value (if none, use NULL instead of a list)
    myValue = reactiveVal(input$inputName),
    myMethod = function(...) {}

Using a module

The following code blocks show how to use your module in calling scripts. It is common to nest modules within modules - the examples show how to ensure that names are assembled and accessed correctly.

# within any UI script, e.g., parentModule_ui.R
myModuleUI(ns('moduleInstanceId'), ...)

Be sure that the name/id of the module matches between the UI and server calls.

# within any server script, e.g., parentModule_server.R
# use id, NOT ns(id), within the server function!
myObject <- myModuleServer('moduleInstanceId', ...)
output$xyz <- renderText({
    myObject$myValue() # <<< accesses the modules reactive return value

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