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App-Specific Files

Each folder in …/shiny/apps has files that define the behavior of a single app (i.e., one Shiny data analysis interface).

At the root level of the app, these files include (see comments within for additional instructions):

  • config.yml = names the app and describes its structure
  • server.R = contains the function ‘appServer’
  • = text used to describe the app on its splash page

The name of the app’s folder must match the name provided in config.yml.

Optionally, you can organize additional app scripts into the following sub-folders, which will be loaded along with config.yml and server.R when the app loads (see other pages for a description of files in those folders):

  • modules
  • types
  • ui
  • utilities

Stage 2 versioning

App versions

Individual app versioning is optional but recommended as it will be displayed in the web page UI and help users access legacy versions of your code to analyze their data according to some previous standard.

To track app versions, add a semantic version key to config.yml and update it prior to committing new app code. It is not necessary to create Git tags for app versions.

# shiny/apps/<app>/config.yml
name: Example
description: "Example of descriptive text"
version: v0.0.0

External suite versions

If your app uses code modules from other tool suites, you may wish to specify the required versions of those external suites. This is useful if you don’t wish to adjust your app to account for a breaking change made in an external tool suite. Declare such version requirements as follows, replacing ‘suiteName’ with the name of the external tool suite.

# shiny/apps/<app>/config.yml
name: Example
description: "Example of descriptive text"
version: v0.0.0
suiteVersions: # <<< add this section <<<
    suiteName: v0.0.0

If you do not provide a version for an external tool suite, the latest version will be used.

If you only use app code from within your own tool suite, the suiteVersions dictionary can be omitted.