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R Paths

The MDI requires that R be installed and available to run on the computer that acts as the web server. In addition to telling the Desktop how to access R, the following options let you create different MDI installations based on potentially multiple versions of R on the same computer.

If these options are left blank, Rscript or Rscript.exe must already be available via the PATH environment variable, however, it is recommended to explicitly set the R path.

Rscript Path (local mode)

If provided, Rscript Path must be a full path to a valid Rscript or Rscript.exe executable file.


  • Windows: C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.0\bin\Rscript.exe
  • Mac: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/bin/Rscript

R Load Command (remote, node modes)

If provided, R Load Command will be called on a remote server prior to attempting to launch the MDI. R Load Command must make Rscript available via the system PATH environment variable.


  • module load R/4.1.0 (e.g., on Great Lakes)
  • export PATH=/path/to/R-4.1.0:$PATH