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MDI Directories

You must provide file path(s) that tell the Desktop where to place and find your MDI installation. In local mode, these directories should be on your desktop or laptop computer. In a remote mode, they should be on the HPC server.

MDI Directory **

You must always provide the full path where you would like to (or have already) installed the MDI.

If MDI Directory ends with folder mdi it will be used as is, otherwise code will be installed into a new subfolder named mdi. The installer will create the mdi subfolder as needed, but the parent folder must already exist. Thus, the following examples are equivalent.


  • C:\path\to\mdi
  • C:\path\to


  • /path/to/mdi
  • /path/to

Data Directory (advanced)

Most often, all code and data used by the MDI resides under the MDI Directory, e.g., /path/to/mdi.

Default Configuration

Installation Directory










Alternatively, you may wish to share the data files produced by Stage 2 apps between multiple users by providing a value for Data Directory, i.e., the full path to any valid shared directory that will replace the Stage 2 apps data folder.

Shared Data Folder

Installation Directory









Data Directory

session data folders populate here


  • /path/to/shared/mdi/data

Host Directory (advanced)

Developers may additionally want to pre-install tool suites to make them easier for others to use. You can access such hosted installations by providing a value for Host Directory, i.e., the full path to a different, pre-existing MDI Directory. Stage 1 pipeline containers and environments and Stage 2 app library folders will be used from that directory instead of from MDI Directory. Additionally, you will have access to the hosted config and resources folders.

Hosted Installation

Installation Directory





Host Directory







  • /path/to/hosted/mdi