MDI Basic Training
The Michigan Data Interface (MDI) is a standardized framework for developing, installing and running HPC data analysis pipelines and interactive R Shiny visualization applications.
MDI Basic Training provides information and links to resources to help beginners build essential skills for participating in MDI code use and development.
Learn about the MDI
To begin, you might want to improve your understanding of what the MDI seeks to achieve and how it can benefit you. Please use the links at the bottom of this page. Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything yet - come back and start working through this Basic Training.
Some pages contain practical exercises to work through. Completing these tasks is optional (unless you are a student working on the MDI Project). You will find them easy if you are an experienced developer, in which case you can go directly to learning about and using the MDI.
In the exercises, we will provide essential information and structured tasks, but we will not spoonfeed every command to you verbatim. We expect you to quickly start learning how to learn to code, which means you have to read documentation and use the internet to discover things for yourself. When you get stuck, ask!
For more information about the MDI, please visit:
MDI Documentation MDI Basic Training MDI GitHub page